Here is a portrait of GLOCAL's Coordinator Newton Dinzeo (Jeremy Owen Turner). Dinzeo is sitting on a tiny GLOCAL ad in the Edmonton-based Second Life property, Canada in SL. This sign may appear relatively insignificant in the grander scheme of things but in the weeks to come, GLOCAL will have a more solid presence in this increasingly mainstream metaverse. The faces on Newton's pants actually belong to the Coordinator himself in RL...His image was filtered via the first version of the Motion Sequencing Application (a free download on this blog) and then was texture-mapped as clothing. Newton Dinzeo has his own blog which you can check out here.Hello
GLOCAL Blog readers!
GLOCAL is finally getting down to entering
Second Life and setting down virtually local and global roots there.
We have started with the placement of a tiny ad in the
Canada in SL property and will be adding a larger and flashier billboard very shortly. In the long-term, we will also likely have the
Surrey Art Gallery's Techlab reproduced in
Second Life :-) At the moment, we are beginning the first phase of promotion and property/architectural speculation...Here are some more photos of our first official ventures into this Brave Not-So-New virtual world...
Here is a portrait of Newton sitting on one the GLOCAL signs. You will notice that this particular sign is close enough to the hot dog stand. This placement is intentional since we need to ensure that people will happen to notice our ad while eating their hot dogs! The best ad-placement is always near the refreshments :-)
This picture is not too much different from the last one except that the Coordinator is standing instead of sitting down...
Did we mention that Surrey is also in Canada? Some of you more worldly avatar travelers may have thought we were based somewhere near London but I think this picnic table will be a blatant reminder for you once you come over to visit us in-world and take a few pixel-bites off one of the available hot dogs (while quantities last, of course). One of the reasons we had picked Canada in SL was because they offer free advertising for Canadian non-profits and fortunately for GLOCAL, the project is hosted by the Surrey Art Gallery.
Here is a side view of the Coordinator sitting on the sign... In this picture, you can also get a sneak preview of our future billboard area...Do you see that turret at the top of the mall's plaza located in the middle of this screenshot? We plan to install our first billboard right on top of there...If you still cannot find it, not to worry...We have some more photos for you.
So, here is a close-up of this new billboard location. In this photo, the Coordinator is speculating the billboard area with his palm pilot (which very likely also includes its own GPS). Speaking of close-ups, this photo is a good excuse to show another close up of the Coordinator's official GLOCAL self-portrait-pants. ;-)
This photo is really just an excuse to show "back end" of the GLOCAL Coordinator's own strategy ;-)
Another reason why we are considering a move to Canada in SL is because this property appears to be virtually quite close to "Vancouver" - well, at least a photo of Vancouver anyway ;-) Photo of Vancouver courtesy of the Graham Guru Photography Gallery.
The photo-shoot took all day because before we knew it, it was night-time...Wow, time accelerates quickly in virtual worlds, eh? Please stay tuned for more developments on the GLOCAL Project in
Second Life!